

FRENCH BALLETS and Turkish Ceremony rehearsal this afternoon in Brattle Hall at 2 o'clock sharp. Everybody be sure and be there, as this is the last chance to practice with the orchestra.

Every man to take part in the dress rehearsal of the French play be at Brattle Hall at 6.30 p. m. sharp and enter by side door on the right. W. H. Rand, C. L. Smith and the whole cast be at Notman, the photographer's, at 12 noon.

All men who have not sold their tickets for the 29th bring them to the rehearsal this evening without fail.

WELD CREWS.- '99 and '98 row at 2.30; 1900 at 3.30. No rowing today for the crews on the machine.

CRICKET PRACTICE.- Cricket candidates will report for batting practice in the Gymnasium this afternoon as follows:


1.30-2.30-Blanchard, Carleton, Cutting, Haughton, Logan, Kennedy, Rowle, Waters, Wells.

2.30-3.30-Adams, Morgan, Webster, Hastings, Byrd, Scattergood, Duport, Perkins, Drinkwater.

Bring private bats.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal this afternoon at 1.50 sharp in Brattle Hall for French Play orchestra.

'97 CREW.- Row at 12.

'98 Crew.- First crew row at 3.30; also Dubois, McBurney, Sheafe, Rice, be at boat house to row. Others need not train any longer.

LACROSSE TEAM.- Practice on Holmes Field at 3.45. tf

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Evening prayers will be read every evening during Lent in 17 Grays at 7 o'clock.

Contributions for the April number of the Monthly must be sent to the secretary at 53 Ware Hall before March 27. 3t

ALL candidates for business positions on the Advocate are requested to confer with the business manager, L. E. Guillow, Stoughton 2, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 6.30 to 7.30 p. m.

'VARSITY BASEBALL.- Squad be at Locker Building on Soldiers Field at 3.00 unless weather is unfavorable, in which case a notice will be poeted at leavitt's.
