

Mr. Hutton's Gift of Death-Masks.- Baseball Notes.

PRINCETON, March 23, 1897.

The 1896-97 catalogue, the first to bear on its title page "Princeton University," has been issued during the past week. A number of additions to the faculty are included and a slight increase in the total registration is shown. Many new courses are catalogued for the first time, mainly in the graduate department. Mr. Laurence Hutton of New York and Princeton has presented his valuable collection of death-masks to the university. The collection embraces about sixty masks and is probably the finest of the kind in the world. When mounted the masks will be put on exhibition in the new library building, where a room has been set apart for them. Among the specimens are the masks of such famous persons as Dean Swift, Thackeray, Sir Isaac Newton, of Queen Elizabeth and of Washington.

The members of last year's 'varsity baseball team began work in the cage March 8, joining a squad of about fifteen men, who had been selected from the early candidates. On Monday the team was able to practice out of doors for the first time. The opening game of the season here will be played against Rutgers on March 31. The training table will be started about April 8, a week before the team starts on its southern trip.

At a mass meeting of the three upper classes held in the Gymnasium on March 10, Harrison Hall '98, of Ohio, was elected manager and D. S. Cook '99, of Illinois, assistant manager of the 'varsity football association for the coming year.

The date for the Senior Dance has been set for Friday, May 14. This will be the evening before the Harvard game.


A series of special religious services have been held nightly for the past week and a half in Marquand Chapel. Eminent clergymen from out of town have addressed the meetings and considerable interest has been around.

At a meeting of the board of trustees on March 12, the Rev. Dr. Simon McPherson '74 of Chicago was elected a trustee, in place of Judge Green, who died last fall.

The annual election of the Nassau Literary Magazine took place last night, and the following men were chosen to compose the '98 board: Managing editor, R. D. Dripps, Pa.; business manager, D. F. Altlana, Pa.; W. M. Gamble, Pa.; M. L. Williams, Mo.; F. J. H. Sutton, N. Y.; W. F. McCombs, Ark.; L. P. Brayant, Ill.

The Bric-a-Brac Committee from the class of '99 has been elected as follows: Managing editor, George K. Reed; B. H. Lewis, C. Y. Freedman, F. B. Voorhees, R. H. A. Carter, R. S. Davis, S. B. Huey, S. K. Martin, and R. W. Smith. The class also decided to elect five men from the freshman class to act in connection with the '99 Bric-a-Brac Committee.

