
Harvard-Yale Debate.

The work of the Harvard speakers in the coming Harvard-Yale debate, which takes place Friday evening in Sanders Theatre, has been progressing favorably. The men have been working earnestly for the past month or more. The usual routine of hard reading and practice debates, together with conference with Calendar, Mixter, Virtue and Myers of the Graduate School has been gone through with, and the work at present is merely the elaboration of speeches, and exercise in general rebuttal.

The make-up of the Yale team this year insures a greater amount of rebuttal work than usual, as Clark and Studinski are exceptional men in this particular. While Harvard has virtually the affirmative side, her position is really a negative one and calls for a great amount of off-hand refutation.

The order of speaking both in the main speeches and in the rebuttals will be as follows: S. R. Wrightington '97, G. H. Dorr '97, Fletcher Dobyns '98.

The officers for the evening have been definitely decided upon. Gov. Roger Wolcott has finally decided to preside. The judges, as before announced in the CRIMSON, will be Professor Davis R. Dewey of Technology, Professor Franklin H. Giddings of Columbia, and Judge E. A. Aldrich of the U. S. Circuit Court.

After the debate a supper will be held at the Colonial Club instead of a banquet at Young's Hotel, as formerly announced.

