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Mr. Charles J. Bonaparte of the class of '71 will speak in Sanders Theatre this evening on "A Danger to Honest Government." The subject is well chosen at this time, referring as it does to the possibility that the President, in order to conciliate congressmen and obtain the legislation which he considers necessary to the welfare of the country, may neglect the interests of civil service reform so necessary to honest government.

There has been a growing interest in public affairs among college men of late. This interest must continue to grow if the purification of public life which is hoped for is to be effected. This fact has been emphasized in the addresses of Dr. Andrew D. White and Mr. Richard Watson Gilder recently given here, as well as in that of Mr. Cleveland on the occasion of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of Princeton University. The Civil Service Reform Club has as its aim the encouragement of this interest in public affairs and particularly in the reform movement, by means of such addresses as that to be given this evening. Mr. Bonaparte is well fitted to deal with the subject being an able and interesting speaker and having long been associated with civil service reform.
