
University Calendar.

22. Monday.

Seminary of American History and Institutions. Episcopacy in the Colonies. Mr. A. L. Cross. University 24, 3.30 p. m.

Seminary of Economics. Some Recent Phases of Economic Thought in the United States. Mr. J. A. Tirrell. University 23, 4.30 p. m.

Lecture. IV. Supervision in Relation to the Community. Superintendent Samuel T. Dutton, of Brookline. Harvard 1, 4.30 p. m.

Open to the University and Radcliffe.

Harvard Religious Union. Subject: Browning's "The Statue and the Bust." Mr. George L. Teeple. Parlors of the First Parish Church, 6.45 p. m.


All members of the University invited.

Reading from the Odyssey. 5. Books XIII.- XIV. Dr. A. S. Cooley. Harvard 1, 7 p. m.

Ralegh in Guiana. A chronicle-history, in two scenes, made after the Elizabethan manner, by Assistant Professor Wendell. To be produced by invitation of the Department of English. Sanders Theatre, 8.30 p. m.

Tickets may be bought for $1.00, at the University Bookstore, in Cambridge, or at Herrick's, Copley Square, Boston.
