PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock in Roberts Hall. Everybody must be present as this is the last rehearsal for full orchestra before the Dorchester concert. The entire French Play orchestra will be expected to stay after the regular rehearsal. The music must positively be learned tonight as the rehearsal with the ballet takes place tomorrow.
LACROSSE TEAM.- Practice on Holmes Field at 3.45. tf
ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Evening prayers will be read every evening during Lent in 17 Grays at 7 o'clock.
Contributions for the April number of the Monthly must be sent to the secretary at 53 Ware Hall before March 27. 3t
A smoker of the New Jersey Club of Harvard will be held in Hollis 3 on Monday, March 22, at eight o'clock.
All New Jersey men are invited to attend.
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Special Notices.