
Junior Dinner.

The Junior class will hold its first class dinner at the Vendome Hotel, Boston, the evening of tuesday, March 30. All members of the class who desire to attend are urged to sign the blue-book at Leavitt and Peirce's at their earliest convenience, in order that the committee may not be hurried at the end, but may be enabled to make full and proper arrangements at once. Tickets are now on sale at Leavitt's for $2.25. No dress suits are to be worn.

President Perkins will make the opening remarks and will then leave the further charge to the toastmaster, William Woodward. The speeches will be between the different courses in the following order: Charles Grilk, "The Class;" Captain Goodrich, "The Crew;" Captain Cabot, "Football;" Fletcher Dobyns, "Debate;" C. E. Morgan 3d, "The Press." R. P. Utter will read a poem on "The Class."
