
Fact and Rumor.

The entries for the M. I. T. games Saturday will not close until tonight.

The judges at the competitive debate for the Harvard Union tomorrow night will be Mr. J. J. Hayes, C. A. Duniway and R. M. Alden.

Owing to the low tide yesterday the 'Varsity, '98 and '99 crews were compelled to wade into the water up to their knees in order to launch their barges.

An indoor athletic meeting for the New York schools will be held under the auspices of the Knickerbocker Club in Madison Square Garden on Saturday, March 27.

Harvard has been invited to enter a relay team to run against Leland Stanford University at the big meet to be held in the Coliseum building, Chicago, on March 20.


A party of Andover Club men will go to Andover Friday evening to meet those students who expect to come to Harvard next year. All members who can join the party are requested to notify W. B. Parker '97.

The following couples will play in the finals of the whist tournament: W. Byrd '97, H. Woodruff '98; M. G. Beaman '99, A. R. Campbell '99; F. H. Macleod 1L., A. H. S. Kollmyer L. S.; F. Heilig '97, O. M. W. Sprague Gr.

It is not necessary for the men to be registered to enter in the M. I. T. games Saturday night. As the events are all scratch no entry blanks need be made out; the competitor need only send in his name and entrance fee.

The new board of editors of the Harvard Law Review have been elected as follows: R. L. Raymond (editor in chief); second year class, N. L. Bassett, J. H. Fisher. F. W. Grinnell; first year class, H. A. Bigelow, J. G. Palfrey, W. W. Moss.
