
Special Notice.

TUTORING.- Thorough drill in undergraduate work and for all examinations. Greek, Latin, Semitic, German. Experience and best references. Max Benshimol, A. M., 48 Highland avenue, Cambridge, off Broadway. tf

THE only strictly college Men's Hair Dressing Room at popular prices, P. O. Block. Mr. Ducharme was for many years at Young's and Adams Houses, Boston. Razors put in good order, etc. 17 tf

STUDENTS will find at Boardman's, Tremont Building, Boston, New Shirtings in wash stuffs for outing and golf in confined patterns.

Good commission will be paid Harvard student on all photographic printing and developing orders he may secure from amateur photographers. Best work guaranteed. For particulars address, "Photographic Studio," Head Building Room 37, Boston. 23 3

TO SENIORS AND OTHERS.- No better souvenir can be had of College than a well made picture of one's room. Call at studio and make appointments at once.


H. WM. TUPPER, Manager Pach's Studio.20 12

FOR SALE.- The following bicycles (all new) will be sold at a discount: Fowler, Wolff-American, Massasoit, Haliday, Monarch, Warwick. Address, "W," Crimson office. 25 tf

STUDENTS' attention is called to the sale of European antiques and old English armor, guns, swords and hunting daggers at L. J. Bird Co.'s, 32 Bromfield street, Boston, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week. 25 3
