HARVARD YACHT CLUB.- There will be a meeting tonight at 8 p. m. at 1200 Mass. Ave. to decide on arrangements for a regatta with Yale. All members, especially yacht owners, are urged to attend.
J. A. BURNHAM, Jr., Sec.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Dean Hodges will deliver to the society the first of his two lectures on the Early Church, entitled "Bishops and Presbyters," this evening in Grays 17 at seven o'clock.
W. C. GERRISH, Sec.THE Shakespeare Club will meet tonight at 7.30 in Beck 22 and read "Othello."
G. T. MORSE, Sec.'97 CREW.- Row at 4.40.
M. S. DUFFIELD.FRENCH PLAY.- Rehearsal of Turkish ceremony tonight at 7 o'clock, in G. A. R. rooms.
B. R. ROBINSON, Asst. Manager.FRENCH PLAY.- Every man who has been definitely chosen either for the cast, the ballet, or the ceremony, must go in to be fitted on Thursday morning or afternoon. Go first to Raymond (costumes), 17 Boylston Place; then to Garey (wigs), 503 Washington Street. Garey wants every man to ask Raymond what colors he will wear. Everyone must go in Thursday without fail.
B. R. ROBINSON. Asst. Manager,FRENCH PLAY.- Rehearsal of the "Bourgeois Gentilhomme" at 4 in Brattle Hall. All men having parts in Acts I, II, and III must be present.
FRENCH BALLET.- Rehearsal today at G. A. R. Hall at 4 p. m. A. Pappenheimer, G. C. Arvedson, H. C. Ffoulke, R. N. Burnham, Hill, G. B. Hanavan and all others trying for Italian dance.
C. L. SMITH, JR.'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- There will be a rehearsal tonight at 6.45 in Lower Dane. All men must be present.
F. DOBYNS, Sec.FRESHMAN DEBATING CLUB.- Members may obtain their shingles at tonight's meeting.
G. O. SMITH, Pres.
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