The course of lectures on the Income Tax to be given by Dr. J. A. Hill '85, the preliminary meeting of which will be held this afternoon, marks the introduction into the University of the privat docent system of instruction which is in vogue at the great German universities. These lectures are given in accordance with the Faculty vote of last January which reads as follows:
"Any Doctor of Philosophy or of Science, who shall be approved for the purpose by the department with which his work is most closely related, may be authorized by the Faculty for a period not exceeding four months to give instruction under the direction of the Faculty, either gratuitously, or for such fees as he may himself fix and collect." Those intending to attend Dr. Hill's lectures are expected to enrol at the preliminary meeting as they would at any other course, but this course will not count for a degree. It will, however, be of great value to students in Economics, especially in preparing graduate students for examination for the degree of Ph. D. At Heidelberg and some of the other German universities the system is quite general. Students attend the lecture courses and from them prepare themselves for their examinations for the different degrees; but whether they get their degrees does not depend on the number of courses taken. We hope that all men interested in the subject will avail themselves of the opportunity offered by Dr. Hill's course.
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