
The Glee Club.

In spite of the discouraging effect of the Faculty's prohibition of the musical club trips, the Glee Club is doing very well and will probably keep up to the standard of former years.

The pieces which the club are practicing at present are: "Wing-Tee-Wee," "The Image of the Rose," "Johnny Harvard," "The Rhine-wine Song," and "The March of the Guards," by Giebel.

The men now singing with the club are:

First tenors-H. M. Woodruff '98, D. Fairbank '99, L. Ullman '99, J. B. Lane '99, G. F Root 1900, G. A. Giles '98.

Second tenors-F. A. Turner '99, F. Dobyns '98, J. L. Valentine '98, J. E. Sharkey '99, E. G. Adams Sp., H. G. Parchen 1900, F. W. Blatchford '99, L. E. Ware '99.


First basses-S. Robinson '98, J. H. Wood '99, J. B. Hawes 1900, G. R. Osborne 1900, J. W. Edmands '98, R. McKittrick '99, R. H. Carleton '98, B. H. Whitbeck '99, H. P. Huntress '99, H. F. Wolff '99.

Second basses-J. F. Bacon '99, W. C. Heilman 1900, J. C. Hinds Div., A. L. Richards 1900, F. R. E. Dolan 1900.

W. H. Rand '98 will act as accompanist.

The list of concerts already announced is not a complete one and other performances will probably be arranged from time to time.
