

THE Harvard Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will meet tonight at 7 o'clock in 17 Grays.

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock in Lower Dane Hall.

R. B. BEDFORD.'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Important rehearsal tonight at 6.45 sharp.

R. B. FLERSHEM.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock sharp. It is absolutely necessary that everybody be present at the beginning of the rehearsal as the new music for the French play will be taken up.

H. COONLEY, Sec.WELD CREWS.- Seniors and Graduates at 4.00. '98 at 4.30.


'99, second and third crews at 4.40.

'99, first crew at 5.

1900, second and third crews at 4.50.

1900, first crew at 5.15.

All candidates not yet assigned to squads be dressed to row at 5.

HARVARD UNION.- The regular monthly business meeting of Monday, March 15, is postponed one week, to March 22.

W. E. DORMAN, Secretary.
