FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal at 7 o'clock tonight.
R. G. PRATT.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Archdeacon John Cotton Brooks of Springfield will preach in Christ Church Sunday morning, March 14, at 10.30. This is the first of a series of sermons under the auspices of the society.
FRENCH PLAY.- Rehearsal at 4.30 in the gymnasium of Ware Hall, beginning Act III, Scene 13, through Acts IV and V. All men trying for parts in these acts must be present.
'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight, Friday, in Lower Dane, at 6.45. No cuts will be granted. Meeting of members after rehearsal for the election of secretary and arrangement of music and dates for concerts.
HENRY WOODRUFF.FRENCH BALLET.- All those men held for further trial in both the Turks and Cooks ballet will meet Mr. Coleman today at 4 in G. A. R. Hall.
'99 CREW.- First squad row at 3.30 Others at 4.45.
B. H. DIBBLEE.'97 CREW.- Sleeper be at boat house at 7.40; Scattergood and Dexter at 10.15; Rantoul and Sanders at 11.10, Dunlop at 11.40.
M. S. DUFFIELD.PHI DELTA THETA.- The Boston Alumni chapter will observe the national alumni day by a dinner at the Parker House, Friday evening, March 12, at 6 p. m.
The guest of the evening will be the president of Alpha province. All Phi's in the University are invited.
HARVARD ENGINEERING SOCIETY.- Mr. R. S. Hale '91 will lecture on "European Boiler Practice," Friday evening, March 12, at 8 o'clock in the Geological Lecture Room. All members of the University are invited.
MOTT HAVEN TEAM.- There is no more team work in squads until Monday.
W. H. VINCENT.SPRINGFIELD CLUB.- Smoker at 14 Felton, Friday evening at 8.
J. A. DENISON, Sec.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Evening prayers will be read every evening during Lent in 17 Grays at 7 o'clock.
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Resolutions of the Faculty about Summer Schools.Recommended Articles
French Play.Ballet rehearsal, Moorish Girls at 3.30, men at 4. All who can attend without cutting are urged to get this
"Le Malade Imaginaire."First rehearsal of the cast takes place Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock sharp in Holyoke 8. All men intending to
French Play.About sixteen men presented themselves at the rehearsal for the ballet of the French Play yesterday. They were taught merely
"Le Malade Imaginaire."First rehearsal of the cast takes place this afternoon at 4 o'clock sharp in Holyoke 8. All men intending to
French Play.Rehearsal of entire cast this afternoon at 4 o'clock sharp at 16 Quincy street. Rehearsal of ballet: First squad this