Under the title "The College Athlete," a new illustrated monthly magazine will appear April 1, devoted entirely to athletics in the colleges and preparatory schools. The first number will contain the following articles: A History of the Intercollegiate One Hundred Yard Dash Record, Illustrated; Football in the Fifties; The Track Team Captains of '97; Athletic Outlook at the University of Wisconsin; Athletics at the University School, Cleveland, Ohio. The last named is to be the first of an illustrated series which will comprise articles on Lawrencevillle, Andover, Exeter, St. Paul's, and other preparatory schools prominent in athletics.
Stephen Chase, the world's champion high hurdler, will contribute to the May number "The History and Science of Hurdling." There will also follow by well known athletes careful studies and histories of all the sprints, distance runs, jumps and weight throwing events contained in the intercollegiate programme. Besides Chase, Hickok, Orton, Cross, Norton Shaw, Rinehart, and others, have prepared articles which will be published during the year. A. K. Moe '97 will be in charge of a special department devoted to cartoons on athletic subjects. J. E. N. Shaw '98 is among the directors.
There will be a special coaching bureau to answer all questions submitted by subscribers, on athletic training or on the conduct and rules of athletic contests. There will also be a coaching agency to aid to positions athletes who desire to coach college or school teams, and to aid schools and colleges in obtaining reliable coaches in all branches of athletics.
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