PROFESSORS and students wishing their hair trimmed in a way that will improve their personal appearance should call at Griffiths's Hair Dressing Rooms, 7 Brattle St., Harvard Sq. He has enlarged his place of business and secured the assistance of Geo. S. Betts, making five artists, all special hair cutters. Razors honed and cared for.
GEO. S. BETTS, Foreman. C. W. GRIFFITH, Proprietor.For five years at Young's Hotel, Boston. 2 tf
DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class for beginners commences Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Private Lessons. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. 1-e o d-ft
NICELY furnished rooms in private family. Terms reasonable. "C," Crimson office. 19 3
TO SENIORS AND OTHERS.- No better souvenir can be had of College than a well made picture of one's room. Call at studio and make appointments at once.
H. WM. TUPPER, Manager Pach's Studio.20 12
WE have about fifty groups and shingles that we have framed for Harvard men that have not been called for. I trust the parties who ordered them will come to studio and get them within the next few days and oblige
H. WM. TUPPER, Manager.20 3
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