

MOTT HAVEN TEAM.- There is no more team work in squads until Monday.

W. H. VINCENT.Y. M. C. A.- The regular Thursday evening meeting will be held this evening in Holden Chapel at 6.45. The leader will be Mr. G. A. Goodridge '99, and the subject, "Laborers with God," 1 Cor. 3: 9; Col. 3:23. All members of the University are cordially invited to be present.

SPRINGFIELD CLUB.- Smoker at 14 Felton, Friday evening at 8.

J. A. DENISON, Sec.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Evening prayers will be read every evening during Lent in 17 Grays at 7 o'clock.

FENCING CLUB.- Any men, not members of the Fencing Club, wishing to try for the team, may upon payment of ten dollars, receive instruction three times a week from Professor Rondelle at the club rooms for the remainder of this year. For further information enquire of A. F. Riggs, 44 Ware Hall.


WELD CREWS.- Seniors and Graduates at 4.00; '98 at 4.30.

'99, second and third crews at 4.40.

'99, first crew at 5.00.

1900, second and third crews at 4.50.

1900, first crew at 5.15.

All candidates not yet assigned to squads be dressed to row at 5.
