

MOTT HAVEN TEAM.- There is no more team work in squads until Monday.

W. H. VINCENT.CERCLE FRANCAIS.- Regular meeting Wednesday, March 10, at 8 o'clock, at the Colonial Club. Lecture by Dr. A. C. Coolidge on "L'Algerie."

LECTURE by Dr. Edward Waldo Emerson. Dr. Edward Waldo Emerson of Concord is to lecture at the Prospect Union this evening at eight o'clock. His subject will be, "The Lesson of the Soldier-a story of the Civil War." He will give an account of the life of Charles Russell Lowell. The lecture is open to men.

Y. M. C. A.- The regular Thursday evening meeting will be held tomorrow evening in Holden Chapel at 6.45. The leader will be Mr. G. A. Goodridge '99, and the subject, "Laborers with God," 1 Cor. 3: 9; Col. 3: 23. All members of the University are cordially invited to be present.

FRENCH BALLET.- The following men will please report to Mr. Coleman today at 4 p. m. in G. A. R. Hall: Stanley, Hill, Procter, Brower, Holland Rowell, Hastings, Carleton, Pappenheimer, Holiday, Arvedson, Ffoulke, Burnham.


BASKETBALL.- A Harvard-Cambridgeport game has been arranged for April 10. The following men are retained to practice for the game, and should be at the Trophy Room at 5.15 sharp this afternoon: Belcher, Breed, Wheeler, Williams, Kent, Baker, Barnefield, Deardurff, Wiel, Hoe, Komppe. Elder. Any man who is not present will be dropped and another man put in his place.

S. C. WIEL, Capt.
