FRENCH PLAY.- Rehearsal of Acts IV and V of the "Bourgeois Getilhomme" at 4.30 in the gymnasium of Ware Hall. All men trying for parts in these acts must be present.
'97 CREW.- No rowing today.
M. S. DUFFIELD.HARVARD Natural History Society.- The regular meeting will be held in Sever 5 on Wednesday, March 10, at 7.30 p. m. Papers: The Hybridization of Plants, Oakes Ames; The Limits of Crossing in the lepidoptera, W. L. W. Field.
WILLIAM L. W. FIELD, Sec.H. E. S.- There will be a meeting of the Civil Engineering Section this evening at eight o'clock in Hollis Hall, No. 19. Mr. C. R. Perry will talk on the "Roof Shield used in a portion of the Subway." Election of chairman for the ensuing year.
SPRINGFIELD CLUB.- Smoker at 14 Felton, Friday evening at 8.
J. A. DENISON, Sec.'99 CREW.- Marvin, McDuffie, Swift, Whitbeck, Donald, Duffield, Holden and Farley be at the boat house dressed to row at 3.30. Sampson, Coonley, Adams, Richardson, Whitman, Blake, Watson, Sargent and Simonds at 4.30. Those whose names are not included in this notice need not come out any longer.
B. H. DIBBLEE.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock in Lower Dane Hall.
R. B. BEDFORD.LACROSSE TEAM.- Lacrosse squad be out today at 3.45 sharp. Practice probably on Holmes Field.
B. T. BURLEY, Capt.'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7.
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A Senior's Souvenir.