

In Harper's Contemporary Essayists:

Book and Heart: Essays on Literature and Life. By Thomas Wentworth Higginson. pp. vi., 237. Post 8vo, Cloth, Ornamental, Uncut Edges and Gilt Top.

Among the Essays on Literature in this volume are: "A Keats Manuscript," "A World Outside of Science," "Lowell's Closing Years at Camrbidge," "Local Fiction," and "The Next Step in Journalism;" while under the caption of "Life," Colonel Higginson discusses, among other things: "The Cant of Cosmopolitanism," "Anglomania and Anglophobia," "International Marriages," "The Test of Talk," "Overclubableness," and "Living by the Church."

Harper's Contemporary Essayists.

The Relation of Literature to Life. By Charles Dudley Warner. pp. vi., 320. Post 8vo, Cloth, Ornamental, Uncut Edges and Gilt top, $1.50.


Impressions and Experiences. By W. D. Howells. pp. iv., 281. Post 8vo, Cloth. Ornamental, Uncut Edges and Gilt Top, $1.50.

Aspects of Fiction, and Other Ventures in Criticism. By Brander Matthews. pp. iv., 234. Post 8vo, Cloth, Ornamental, Uncut Edges and Gilt Top, $1.50.

Literary Landmarks of Rome.

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Mr. Hutton's previous books of similar character on "Florence," "Venice," "London," "Edinburgh," and "Jerusalem," are a sufficient indication of the motive and style of the present volume and of the accuracy and care with which it has been prepared.

The Green Book;

Or, Freedom Under the Snow. A Novel. By Maurus Jokai, Author of "Black Diamonds." Translated by Mrs. Waugh. 16mo, Cloth, Ornamental, $1.50. In "The Odd Number Series."

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