

U. of P.= Cornell Debate.- Freshman-Sophomore Bowl Fight.

A general feeling of satisfaction is prevalent among the students of the University in consequence of the final adjustment of the Poughkeepsie races. The acceptance of Cornell to row Yale and Harvard was heartily approved from the first announcement of the fact, and Cornell's sportsmanlike behaviour in agreeing to row a second race, has done much to increase the respect in which Cornell has always been held at Pennsylvania.

The next event of importance among the undergraduates will be the debate with Cornell which is to take place Saturday, March 6, at the Academy of Music. The preliminaries resulted in the selection of R. S. Morris, C. L. McKeehan and A. L. Kramer, as representatives of Pennsylvania. The subject to be debated is, "Resolved, That the United States and the several states should establish courts of compulsory adjustment of the disputes between employees and private corporations which possess franchises of a public nature."

Arrangements have been made for the annual bowl fight between the freshman and sophomore classes, to take place early in March. The object of the freshmen is to culture the bowl from the sophomores and break it, while the sophomores endeavor to place the freshman bowl man in the bowl. This is constructed of pieced wood and is decorated with the fraternity emblems and colors, and is kept till the senior year when it is presented to the second most popular man of the class.

