The conflict between the date set for the boat race and Class Day is regrettable, and the disadvantages of such a conflict, as cited in the communication published this morning, are easily recognizable. However, they are not such as to warrant the crew's losing two days' training at Poughkeepsie. The importance of these two days' training is apparent, since the additional time can be gained only by making the date of the race as late as possible. The writer suggests that the crew go to Poughkeepsie two days earlier, and does not realize that in any case the departure from Cambridge will be at the earliest possible date.
The crew candidates have decided unanimously in favor of the latest date obtainable-June 25. Since they consider this extra time at Poughkeepsie necessary, there should be no opposition, for, to quote from the communication, "the interests of the crew and the interests of the students are inseparable."
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