

Practice in the Hurdles to Begin Today.- Indoor Games to Come.

On account of the number of men who ran in the B. A. A. games Saturday, the entire Mott Haven squad was given very easy work yesterday afternoon. The usual practice in starting was altogether omitted.

This afternoon Mr. Lathrop intends to have the first trials in the low hurdles. All the men in the sprinting squads who wish will be given a chance to run one or more heats over a short course with three hurdles. The men whose strides are best suited to the low hurdles will be selected and given further training in hurdling until the best hurdlers are finally picked out.

During the rest of February and March several indoor athletic meetings will be held in different parts of the state at which a number of Harvard men are expected to run. The fifteenth of this month the Worcester City Guards hold a meet at Worcester and on the twenty-second in the same place Holy Cross College holds open games. On the twenty-second also the Roxbury Latin School will hold open handicap games. Harvard has been invited to send entries to all these meetings. Later on, in the early part of March, the interscholastic indoor games will be held and on the same day Boston College will hold a handicap meeting.

The Mott Haven squad has gradually been increasing in size ever since training was begun and new men are coming out every day.
