
Special Notice.

PROFESSORS and students wishing their hair trimmed in a way that will improve their personal appearance should call at Griffiths's Hair Dressing Rooms, 7 Brattle St., Harvard Sq. He has enlarged his place of business and secured the assistance of Geo. S. Betts, making five artists, all special hair cutters. Razors honed and cared for.

GEO. S. BETTS, Foreman. C. W. GRIFFITH, Proprietor.For five years at Young's Hotel, Boston. 2 tf

DANCING CLASS.- Mrs. L. J. Chandler's class for beginners commences Tuesday, at 8 p. m. Private Lessons. Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport. 1-e o d-tf

FRENCH 6, 6c-1c, 1a. Special and thorough tutoring. Seminars formed. Experienced instruction in French and German.

E. T. LAMBERT, A. B., New address: 15 Remington St. (Opp. Ware Hall). 2 2JUST OUT.- Scribner's beautiful edition of Kipling. Their celebrated Thistle edition of Stevenson-Houghton, Mifflin and Co.'s superb edition of Hawthorne, Lowell, Emerson, Holmes, Whittier and Longfellow; (350 choice engravings; the only illustrated edition published). Villon's edition of the Arabian Nights (unexpurgated) very rare. All the standard authors in all bindings, all editions. All books or sets published, complete sets delivered at once and payments of $1 or $2 per mo., entirely satisfactory. Lowest cash prices guaranteed. Address, X, CRIMSON office. 2 3


LESSONS in Boxing.- Harvard men desiring instruction please communicate with Wm. S. Gordon, CRIMSON office. Terms: Single lessons, $1.00; six lessons, $5.00. 2 6

BOARD.- A table accommodating a Club of eight or ten, also seats at the general table can be secured at 1200 Mass. Ave. 96 6

Veritas March, for pianoforte, by H. P. Huntress. Price, 40c. For sale by Briggs and Briggs, Harvard Square, Cambridge, Mass. E. C. Ramsdell, publisher, Music Hall, Boston. 2 6

A MILK WHITE FLAG.- Chas. Hoyt's contribution to dramatic literature entitled, "A Milk White Flag," with its battle's guard followers on the field of Mars and in the court of Venus has drawn liberal patronage to the Park Theatre. The piece is one of the best Mr. Hoyt has yet written and offers a most delightful evening's entertainment. There have been many changes for the better since it was originally presented at the Boston Theatre, and the company besides being a large one includes many well known players. Prominent among them are: Chas. Stanley, Geo. Schiller, J. Aldrich Libby, Belle Archer, Clarisse Agnew, and fifty other pretty girls with attractive faces. The engagement is limited to only three weeks longer, and a highly successful engagement is more than assured.

TUTORING.- Semitic 6. 12, 14, 15, Greek 10, Philosophy 5, History, 1, 9, 10, 12, 19, Fine Arts 4, Government 1.

W. W. NOLEN, 2 Manter Hall.78 tf
