
The B. A. A. Games Tonight.

Tonight the eighth annual indoor games will take place in Mechanics Hall. The games will begin with the 40 yds. dash for novices, which will be started promptly at 7.30 o'clock. The doors will be open at 6.30.

In addition to the regular events there will be two invitation races this year, a 40 yds. dash, and a one mile run.

Harvard will enter five teams in the relay races, the 'Varsity and the four class teams.

The entries for the invitation events and the Harvard and Pennsylvania relay teams are given below.

One Mile Run-scratch.E. W. Mills, Chauncy Hall A. A.; G. W. Orton, U. of P.; Grant, U. of P.; C. H. Kilpatrick, Princeton and N. Y. A. C.; A. L. Wright, Brown; G. G. Hollander, K. A. C.; E. W. Hjertberg, N. J. A. C.; J. D. Delany, Wor. C. G. A. A., D. Grant, H. A. A.; J. M. McLaughlin, Holy Cross A. A.


40 Yards Dash-scratch.J. F. Quinlan, N. Y. A. C.; Bastian, U. of P.; A. L. Jackson, Newtowne Club; C. M. Callahan, Williams; H. C. Hennington, E. H. S.; R. W. Burnet, Jr., Y. A. A.; I. S. Clark, N. A. A.; B. J. Wefers, G. U. A. A.; A. W. Grosvenor, M. 1. T.; T. Bunch, M. I. T.; F. H. Bigelow, H. A. A.; J. T. Roche, H. A. A.; W. J. Fox, Holy Cross C.; H. S. Kane, E. H. S.; L. W. Redpath, H. A. A.; J. S. Walsh, G. U. A. A.

Relay Teams.Harvard-F. H. Bigelow '98, C. H. Williams '98, H. H. Fish '99, E. Hollister '97; substitutes: W. G. Morse '99, J. L. Little '97.

U. of P.- Bastian, G. O. Jarvis, Seigel, G. W. Orton, Grant.

The make-up of the class relay teams was published in last Tuesday's CRIMSON.
