

All Undergraduates Asked to Sign a Petition to the Administrative Board.

At the meeting of the Junior class last night there was circulated for signature a petition to the Administrative Board of the College regarding the abandonment of the use of firearms in future celebrations, which reads as follows:

"We, the undersigned members of the class of 1898, while recognizing fully the wantonness of the disturbance on Tuesday night, Jan. 26, believe it to have been due rather to the thoughtlessness of the men engaged in it than to any vicious purpose, and we beg the Administrative Board to treat with leniency the students detected in the use of explosives on that night.

"We think that the time has come when the whole College should unite in an endeavor to put a stop to such disturbances and to relieve the College of the scandal which they cause. We, therefore, promise to refrain from the use of firearms and explosives of any sort, either in celebrations of athletic victories or at any other time, and to do our utmost to discourage and prevent the use of such explosives during the remainder of our College course."

This petition was signed by every man present at the meeting. Similar petitions have been prepared for the other classes and are to be found at Memorial Hall, Foxcroft Club, Leavitt and Peirce's, and Sanborn's. It is urged that every man in college sign the petitions as it is hoped that they may persuade the Administrative Board to treat the men leniently.
