
Topics in English C.

The topics for the second forensic in English C as given out yesterday are:

1. Should criticism be anonymous?

2. Have the Fine Arts been benefited by photography?

3. Is Shakspere's Lear "a clear case of insanity from beginning to end"?

4. Do the results of Arctic exploration justify its continuance?


5. Should "Vertical Writing" supersede the Spencerian System?

6. Should compulsory manual training be introduced into all the public schools?

7. Is the Doctrine of Infallibility a serious menace to a democratic state?

8. Does the Edict of Kiersy mark the real beginning of Feudalism in France?

9. Does a low rate of wages enable a country to increase its exports?

10. Is a tabular standard of value desirable?

11. Does the recognition of Cuba belong to the President or to Congress?

12. Is Mr. Olney's position in the Venezuelan affair in harmony with the Monroe Doctrine? (See article by S. Sidney Low in the Fortnightly Review for December.)

13. Should the United States adopt penny postage?

14. Is Professor Moulton correct in saying that Richard III is "an artist in villainy"? Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist, ch. IV, especially page 93.
