
A New Scholarship Established.

At a meeting of the President and Fellows of Harvard College on January 25, the Treasurer submitted a letter from Mr. J. Howard Nichols of which the following is an extract:

"To the President and Fellows of Harvard College:

"I hereby ask your acceptance of the sum of five thousand dollars ($5000) as the foundation of the Howard Gardner Nichols 'Scholarship' for undergraduates,- in memory of my deceased son, who graduated at Harvard College with the class of 1893.

"My son's death resulted from an accident at the cotton mill which he had constructed in northern Alabama-and where he was greatly beloved-and it is my wish that a student from North Alabama, if of good character and scholarship, shall have the preference over others in the assignment of the income of this scholarship. If in any year no such student shall, at the usual time, apply for the income, of this scholarship. If in any year no such student shall, at the usual time, apply for the income, it may be assigned, at the discretion of the President and Fellows, to some other student in the undergraduate department of the College.

"Yours very truly,


(signed) J. HOWARD NICHOLS."It was voted that Mr. Nichols's gift be gratefully accepted on the terms named and that the Howard Gardner Nichols Scholarship be established with an income at present of two hundred dollars.

This scholarship will not be available until the year 1897-98.
