

G. O. Shattuck '51.

George Otis Shattuck of the class of 1851 died Tuesday night at his residence, 160 Beacon St., Boston.

Mr. Shattuck prepared for college at Phillips Andover Academy. He entered Harvard in 1847 and graduated in 1851. He studied law in the office of C. G. Loring and subsequently attended for two years the Harvard Law School, from which he received his degree of LL. B. in 1854.

After his admission to the bar he practiced law with the Hon. P. W. Chandler, and later with O. W. Holmes, now on the supreme bench of Massachusetts, and with W. A. Munroe.

Mr. Shattuck was for many years one of the Board of Overseers of Harvard University, and was also a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society. In 1862 he was a member of the Boston common council.

Mr. Shattuck had an extensive legal practice, and was particularly successful as a corporation lawyer.

