

MANDOLIN CLUB.- Rehearsal at 41 Thayer at 5 o'clock this afternoon. Important.

F. L. WALDO.BIBLE CLASS.- The class in the life of St. Paul will meet tonight in 42 Hastings at 7.45, to study Paul the Tradesman.

CHESS CLUB.- Members are invited to be present this evening at the rooms of the Boston Chess Club, 18 Boylston Place, Boston, to witness the match between the Harvard Chess Club and the chess players of the Y. M. C. U. The chess team will start from Harvard Sq. at 7.15 by a Tremont House car. The team is as follows: W. C. Arensberg, F. F. Davis, C. H. Dunn, E. B. Escott, E. P. Fay, J. Hewins, P. W. Long, W. J. McDonald, A. W. Ryder, E. E. Southard, T. Spalding, F. E. Thayer, H. Webster.

ALL contributions for the March number of the Monthly must be sent to the editor-in-chief before Monday, March 1.

CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- The usual weekly meeting of the Christian Association will be held this evening in Holden Chapel at 6.45 o'clock. All members of the University are invited to be present.


THERE will be a trial of candidates for the 'Varsity Mandolin Club Friday, February 26, at 4.30 in 3 Matthews Hall. All who can play mandolin or guitar are urged to try.

WILL any men who have copies of "A very's Physics" which they are willing to lend to the Prospect Union kindly leave them at the CRIMSON office before Friday.

JOWETT CLUB.- There will be a breakfast of the Jowett Club on Thursday, Feb. 25, at 8 a. m., at the Colonial Club.

