
Chess Tournament.

Entries for the handicap chess tournament to be held this spring by the Harvard Chess Club may be made in the blue-book at Bartlett's on payment of the entrance fee of fifty cents. The tournament will begin next week and last probably three or four weeks according as the number, of entries ranges high or low. There will be but a single round, each player playing with every other at the appropriate odds. It is expected that no man needs play more than three games during a week. The handicapping will be arranged by the executive committee of the Harvard Chess Club, in close accordance with the results of private matches and previous tournaments. There will be five classes as follows:

Class I, scratch; Class II, gets pawn and move; Class III, gets pawn and 2 moves; Class IV, gets Knight; Class V, gets Rook.

If other classes prove expedient, the odds will be arranged similarly. The handicapping will be fixed as soon as the entry week is over; and the list of handicaps assigned to each entrent may then be viewed at a place hereafter to be announced. This assignment is to be only provisional and may be changed in any case for sufficient reason.
