
'Varsity Baseball Candidates.

Forty-one candidates for the 'Varsity baseball nine met last evening in the Trophy Room of the Gymnasium in response to Captain Dean's call for candidates.

Captain Dean addressed the men briefly, outlining the work that will be expected of them. He particularly emphasized the fact that although nearly all of last year's men are back, every candidate will be given a perfectly fair chance for a place on the team. Clarence Smith '85, L. A. Frothingham, captain of the '93 team, J. Wiggin, captain of the '94 team, J. Highlands '93 and J. D. Upton '93, all spoke briefly. Several of the speakers dwelt upon the importance of developing a good "College" nine both that the 'Varsity may draw from it and that it may develop material for next year's 'Varsity.

The candidates will begin work in the cage next Tuesday afternoon. Most of the battery men have already been at work for some time. Captain Dean announced that C. Smith '85, who played on the famous '85 team that won every game played, will act as head coach for the greater part of the season.

No Freshmen will play with the squad at present, but the more promising men from the freshman squad will be taken to the "Varsity ater on.

The list of candidates, including the battery men already at work, is as follows:


Pitcher-L. W. Jenney 3L., H. N. Stearns '99, C. J. Paine, Jr., '97, G. F. Cozzens '98, W. S. Fitz '99, P. D. Haughton '99.

Catcher-C. P. Slade '98, E. P. Davis '99, F. D. Cochrane '99, G. B. Burrage '98, J. W. Dunlop '97.

First base-A. W. Davis '98.

Second base-G. W. Thompson '99.

Third base-E. M. Gregory'97, E. H. Litchfield, '99, R H. Stevenson, Jr., '97, B. H. Hayes '98.

Short-stop-R. W. P. Brown '98, A. M. Beale '97, A. V. Galbraith '99, F. J. Goodridge '98, C. B. Manning '98, P. Jewell '99, W. M. Chandler '98, E. Stevens '97.

Outfield-E. G. Burgess '98, H. J. Holt '98, J. W. Abbott '98, H. T. Hooper '98, W. H. Lynch '99, S. W. Morse '99, J. W. Work Sp., A. W. Dilley '93, E. J. Wolbach '99 W. H. Rand, Jr., '98, J. C. Mc-Call '99, F. Curtis '98, W. E. Waterhouse '98, E. H. Sears '99, B. A. Franklin Sp.
