

PRINCETON, Feb. 16, 1897.

The faculty have recently put into operation a new system of cuts, increasing the gratuity and dividing it between recitations and chapel. The innovation promises to be generally acceptable. Another announcement made by the Faculty just before the examinations was to the effect that no man who is dropped from his class will be allowed to play on the 'varsity teams for a year thereafter. This rule, taken in connection with the old regulation forbidding the candidacy of a student who has a condition in any subject, makes Princeton's teams subject to particularly stringent provisions.

The members of the senior class in the Civil Engineering Department took a trip recently under the direction of Professor Smith. Three days were spent in visiting the various large machine works in Philadelphia and Bethlehem.

The Baird Prize Contest was held Feb. 11 in Alexander Hall. The first Baird Prize was awarded to A. W. Leonard '97, the second to W. M. Post '97, and E. C. Thompson '97 won the prize for delivery. In disputation first prize was awarded to R. F. Sterling '97, and the second to H. F. Stockwell '97. A. W. Leonard's poem "Menelavs" received first prize for poetry.

The '98 "Bric-a-Brac" appeared last week. The volume is unusually interesting, containing numerous half-tones of the Sesquicentennial Celebration. New literary features have been introduced and the illustrations as a whole are above the usual standard.

The Junior Promenade was held in the Casino last Friday. It was preceded by a tea at the Wig Club and a concert by the university musical organizations.


Following the policy adhered to in recent years of appointing junior managers for freshman athletic teams, S. G. Thompson '98 was last week appointed as manager of the freshman baseball team for the coming season. Thompson was captain of the '98 freshman team and is president of the Intercollegiate Tennis Association.

The plan pursued last year of having light spring practice for the football men proved so successful that the same method will be followed this season. Light work will be done in the Gymnasium regularly until the ground becomes suitable for outdoor work.

