

'99 CREW.- Row in the Carey Building at 3 p. m.

B. H. DIBBLEE.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 o'clock.

R. G. PRATT.CHESS CLUB.- Regular meeting in Grays 25 at 7.30. Mr. G. H. Walcott of the Boston Chess Club will play against members of the club. Extra boards and men will be useful.

'97 CREW. Row at 4.40 today.

M. S. DUFFIELD.SPRINGFIELD CLUB.- Smoker at 84 Perkins, Friday evening at 8. All Springfield men in the University are cordially invited.


J. A. DENISON, Sec.CRICKET ELEVEN.- An important meeting will be held on Friday next at 7 p. m. in 54 Matthews. The following men, who have already played on the team, will please be present: Adams, Blanchard, Byrd, Dupont, Gray, Hastings, Kennedy, Morgan, Rawle, Scatter-good, Scott, von Utassy, Waters, Wells, Wood.

W. W. COMFORT, Capt.
