
Official Notice.

ROMANCE PHILOLOGY 2.- General introduction to Linguistic Science. The class will hereafter meet in Sever 17 on Mon., Wed., Fri., at 4.30.

C. H. GRANDGENT. H. C. G. VON JAGEMANN.HISTORY 13.- There will be no paper this week. Paper No. 16 will be given Thursday, Feb. 25.

A. B. HART.GEOLOGY 4.- This course did not end with the mid-years. Professor Shaler's first lecture will be held today at 12 m., in the Fogg Art lecture room.

J. EDMUND WOODMAN.ENGINEERING 22.- The first lecture in Engineering Contracts will be given in 7 L. S. S. on Saturday, Feb. 20, at 12. The class is requested to be prepared upon sections 1, 2, 3, 28, and 29 of Johnson's "Engineering Contracts and Specifications," which may be obtained at the Co-operative.

F. M. ARCHER.2 2

