

CRICKET ELEVEN.- An important meeting will be held on Friday next at 7 p. m. in 54 Matthews. The following men, who have already played on the team, will please be present: Adams, Blanchard, Byrd, Dupont, Gray, Hastings, Kennedy, Morgan, Rawle, Scatter-good, Scott, von Utassy, Waters, Wells, Wood.

W. W. COMFORT, Capt.ALL '99 and 1900 men who intend to try for a business position on the Advocate are requested to communicate at once with the business manager, 33 Thayer Hall. 1 6

FRESHMAN DEBATING CLUB.- The regular election of officers for the second half-year will be held this evening in Sever 11, at seven o'clock. There will be no debate.

CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- At the meeting of the Christian Association Thursday evening at 6.45 in Holden Chapel, the reports of the retiring officers and chairmen of committees will be read and the new officers will be installed. All members of the University are invited to be present.

LAMPOON.- There will be a meeting of the entire board in the Sanctum, Wednesday evening, February 17, at 7.30 sharp. Election of officers for the ensuing year.


