PROFESSOR PALMER will not be able to meet Philosophy I (History of Philosophy), Philosophy IV, and Philosophy 20d, during the present week.
GEOLOGY 1 AND 3.- The first meeting of Geology 1 will be held in the Geological Lecture Room, University Museum, on Monday, February 15, at 10 a. m. Geology 3 will meet at the same hour and in the same room on Wednesday, February 17.
R. DEC. WARD.ENGLISH A.- Sections will meet at the usual hours Monday and Tuesday in Upper Massachusetts.
B. S. HURLBUT.ENGLISH 30.- The first debate of the second half-year will take place Wednesday at 3.30 instead of Monday.
GEO. P. BAKER.ENGLISH C.- The list of topics for the second forensic in English C may be had at any of the consultation hours. The second brief is due Feb. 19.
GEO. P. BAKER.ALL lectures in Philosophy 6, 7, and 13, will be omitted this week.
C. C. EVERETT.PROFESSOR EMERTON will be unable to meet his classes today.
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Special Notices.