The following hours are assigned for battery candidates. If any one is assigned a time at which he cannot be at the Carey building he must come at his old hour and let me know about the conflict:
1.30-Schwill-Moore, Bell-Talbot, Cobb-Kahn, Clark.
2.00-Paine-Dunlop, Mon., Wed., Fri., and 3.15 on Tu. and Thu., Stearns-Burrage.
2.30-Wilder-Adsit, Cozzens-Burrage, Haughton-Cochrane.
3.00-Fitz-Davis, Foster-Maniere, G. H. Wilder-Skillings.
3.30-Fox-Bateman, McCormick-Egbert, Hayes-Carrick.
If any one has been overlooked in this assignment let me know at once.
Freshman squad practice at 4 o'clock as usual.
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