As the date of the Senior class meeting draws near, we urge all Seniors to reflect seriously on the problems presented to their consideration. They must remember that they are to decide, not for themselves alone, but possibly for future classes. A college custom once established, even if by a few classes only, is hard to break. The moral is, establish a good custom. Tuesday night the Senior class may "make history," so to speak. The Tree exercises are one of the chief features of the chief day of our college course. Let every Senior, therefore, spend some time, even if it be only a few minutes, in weighing carefully the various plans suggested, and in trying to come to some definite conclusion on the whole matter. No one, unless his judicial faculties are abnormally developed, can make a reasoned decision concerning the best plan of Tree exercises on the spur of the moment in a class meeting. In a meeting of four hundred men there can not be much satisfactory discussion and little more than the registering of opinion by a vote is possible.
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