To the Editors of the Crimson:
One of the best schemes for the Tree exercises that will be proposed at the class meeting next Tuesday is to have the exercises back of University, where there is much more room. All the exercises can be carried out in the usual manner except, of course, the same tree can not be used. Instead, four trees, which are conveniently placed, can all have wreaths, thus avoiding the strong central pressure.
The exercises, then, would be something like this: The whole class would assemble as usual, march around the yard, and cheer the buildings. Then in the same order, march into the enclosure and around it. They would cheer the different classes, popular men and the ladies as usual. Then they would form a large ring around the enclosure, sing "Fair Harvard" and cheer things especially connected with the class. Then, at a signal from the First Marshal, the ring would break up and the men rush for the flowers.
The large space would be of great advantage in executing the exercises, and in allowing unlimited seats at lower price. The four trees would make the scheme self-working. It would do away with combinations and the success of the rush would not depend upon the honor of four hundred students as the modified rush about the old tree does.
We call attention to the voting lists posted at University and in Memorial. If a man has a right to take part in Class Day, he may have a vote by applying to one of the Class Day Committee.
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