
New Stands for Holmes Field.

On Monday the plans for the new stands to be erected on Holmes Field were approved by the Corporation and today they will be sent to different contractors so that bids can be made on them.

These stands, first suggested by Professor Hollis, have been designed by Mr. L. J. Johnson of the Scientific School, and are to be different from the usual kind. The heavy frame-work will be of steel, and upon this fifteen rows of seats will be constructed of wood. The stands will be built in small sections, each of which will seat 212 persons. In all there will be twelve sections, giving a seating capacity of about 2500 this spring. About half of the seats will be erected between the Carey Building and the hospital, and the rest of them in front of the finish line of the running track, directly across the field.

These stands will be temporary only on Holmes Field. During the summer they will be moved to Soldiers Field and used permanently at the football games there. If they prove satisfactory others of the same design will be built.
