
Examinations Tomorrow.

Semitic 4, Sever 35.

Greek B, Sever 35.

German 2, Sever 29 and 30.

Philosophy 21, Sever 18.

Philosophy 151, Sever 18.


History 3, Sever 6.

History 11, Sever 17.

Economics 15, Sever 35.

Architecture 1a, Arch. Bldg.

Mathematics 17, Sever 35.

Engineering 1f, L. S. S. 1.

Engineering 2a, L. S. S. 1.

Chemistry 1, Up. Mass., Up. and Low.

Dane, Sever 5.

Chemistry 6, Sever 35.

Geology 4, Geol. Lect. Room, Lower Mass., Harvard 5, 6.

Mining 21, Geol. Lect. Room.
