
Yale's Taxable Property.

A considerable discussion has arisen at New Haven over a decision of the board of assessors of New Haven to tax Yale University on property to the amount of $439,782 instead of, as formerly, on property valued at $58,916.

The assessors take the ground that heretofore they have permitted the Yale Corporation to hand in its own list of taxable property; that is, property not used directly for college purposes; and that the Corporation has neglected to include in this list a number of buildings which are not directly used for college purposes. The action of the assessors simply means that hereafter they will themselves determine what property is so used.

This action has aroused a good deal of opposition from the Yale Corporation and Alumni; several New Haven papers have also taken the Yale side of the question. In reply to the charge of antagonizing Yale interests, the assessors say that it is not their purpose to burden the university; that they simply bring the matter up as a test case so that the question can be settled once for all.

According to the city laws, the University's remedy is to apply for redress to the board of relief; if it is refused, the case may be carried to the superior court and then to the supreme court. The Yale Corporation has not yet decided to take this step, but the action of the assessors will undoubtedly be opposed in some way.
