TUTORING.- Thorough drill in undergraduate work and for all examinations. Greek, Latin, Semitic, German. Experience and best references. Max Benshimol, A. M., 48 Highland avenue, Cambridge, off Broadway. tf
TUTORING in Science Courses-Physics, Chemistry, Geology, Mineralogy, Zoology, Botany.
PORTER E. SARGENT, A. B. ('96.). 49 Matthews. Hours, 2-2.30, 6.30-7.30.
75 tf
IMPORTANT: Suits cleansed and pressed for 75c.; trousers 20c.; and one suit, once a week until June 30, '97, for $7.00. Called for and returned in a satisfactory manner. Drop postal. L. G. MacKeigan, Tailor, 15 Brattle street, just opposite Post Office. 72 tf
WANTED.- Regular or occasional work pressing and repairing clothes. Mending of all kinds. Well recommended. Address, Mrs. M. Dempsey, 475 Rindge Avenue. 86 tf
BOARD.- A table accommodating a Club of eight or ten, also seats at the general table can be secured at 1200 Mass. Ave. 96 6
LOST.- A note-book containing notes in Govt. 12, History 13 and French 8. Finder will please leave at CRIMSON office. 96 3
FOUND.- A key to Yale lock. Owner can obtain same by calling at this office and paying for this notice.
TUTORING.- Semitic 6. 12, 14, 15, Greek 10, Philosophy 5, History, 1, 9, 10, 12, 19, Fine Arts 4, Government 1.
W. W. NOLEN, 2 Manter Hall.78 tf
TUTORING.- German A, B, 1a, 1b, 2, 3, 4, 6; Geology 4; Political Economy I.
LOUIS GERTEIS, 14 Stoughton.91 5
TUTORING in Geology 4, 14. Zoology 1. Semitic 12.
H. H. DAVENPORT '97, 28 Weld Hall.92 4
SEE the "John the Orangeman" poster for sale by Thurston and Amee. tf
TO LET.- 26 Conant Hall. Southeast corner room. 96 2
Read more in News
French Readings.