'99 CREW.- Row at 3.10.
CRIMSON.- There will be an important meeting of the Auditing Committee tomorrow, Tuesday, night at 6.45 p. m.
ICE POLO TEAM.- Play Brown today at 3 p. m. on Spy Pond.
F. J. GOODRIDGE.THE index for Vol XXXI of the Lampoon, which was published last year, may be obtained by all old subscribers by calling at the CRIMSON office between 2 and 4 o'clock daily for the next week.
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MOODY MEETINGS.- Tickets distributed daily Holden Chapel between one and two.
PROSPECT UNION.- Teachers must not fail to meet their classes during the mid-year period, or to send competent substitutes if it is impossible for them to attend themselves.
HENRY W. FOOTE.LACROSSE TEAM.- All candidates for the lacrosse team report at the Gymnasium at 3.30 today.
B. T. BURLEY, Capt.
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