FOOTBALL PICTURE: The following men be at Pach's studio at 1.30 o'clock Friday: Cabot, Swain, Wheeler, Bouve, Doucette, Haskell, Shaw, Donald, Mills, Moulton, Garrison, Dibblee, Warren, Parker, Haughton, Boal, Richardson, Cochrane, Sawin.
CREW NOTICE.- Adams, Blake, Marvin '99, J. H. Perkins, Heath, J. F. Perkins, Biddle, Higginson, be at boat house at 3.45.
'VARSITY BANJO CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 sharp in 1256 Mass. avenue.
THE Harvard Free Silver Club meets at Grays 11, Friday night, Dec. 10, at 7.30. All advocates of the cause, whether members or not, are invited.
EXETER CLUB.- The smoke-talk and beer-night will be Friday evening, December 17, instead of this evening as was first intended.
ANY candidate for this year's Mott Haven team wishing to do any work preliminary to the regular winter work can do so by joining the squad which meets every day at four o'clock, Saturdays excepted.
SPRINGFIELD CLUB.- Annual dinner at Trinity Court, Dartmouth street, Saturday evening at 8. No dress suits.
ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Evening prayers will be read every evening during Advent (Nov. 29 to Dec. 22) in 17 Grays at seven o'clock.
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