

Requests Suggestions in Regard to the Locker Building.

The Athletic Committee will be glad to receive suggestions from the students of the University looking towards a greater use of the Locker Building on Soldiers Field. At present, the upper half is not much used even during the football season and the whole building is insufficiently heated for cold weather. It is proposed to take the steam heat for the baseball cage from a new boiler placed in the Locker Building, at the same time to increase materially the heating system of the latter. The lower part of the building can be rearranged and the upper part fitted up for some purpose useful to the teams or the Student Athletic Association. It will aid a decision on the best arrangement of the heating system of both Locker Building and Ball Cage, if members of the University will be kind enough to address the chairman of the committee on the subject.

(Signed) IRA N. HOLLIS.
