

No Headline

We quote below an extract from an editorial in the Yale News on the subject of the debate, which will perhaps correct some false impressions produced by the Associated Press account, and is at all events an exceedingly courteous and fair minded criticism of the Harvard speakers:

"Last night's debate was a fair contest, and resulted in a fair but close victory for Yale. Taken simply as a debate, it was the best ever held in the Yale-Harvard series. It was direct all the way through, it never hung on the wording of the question, and it was not marred by any slip of either side. Another characteristic was the intense interest aroused by every speaker and maintained throughout the debate by the exact knowledge of the subject shown on both teams, the perfect form of presentation of Harvard, and the convincing earnestness of Yale. In the rebuttals all these qualities were present and in addition to them a marvellous quickness in grasping and refuting arguments, together with a very unusual power of summing up, and of making the line of reasoning a compact whole. So evenly matched were the teams that it is impossible to pick out the best characteristics of the debate without crediting them to both sides alike. Harvard, however, can be separately praised for her perfect stage presence, self-command and form of delivery. In these respects she excelled Yale to a marked degree, and when there is also taken into account her strong line of reasoning and authoritative knowledge, one can easily understand the suspense with which the judges's decision was awaited. Yale's victory seems to be due to the spirit and earnestness of her speakers, and also to their thorough preparation to meet any line of argument at any point, with a concise and exact refutation."

Princeton has permanently won the cup offered by "Shooting and Fishing," by winning the shoot on Travers Island from Yale by a score of 214 to 197. The teams were composed five men, and each was allowed ten rounds of six birds.
