H. A. A.- The last squad drill of men doing preliminary work for this year's Mott Haven team will be held today in the Gymnasium at four. The regular call for candidates will be held Tuesday evening, Jan. 4, in Lower Massachusetts, and work will begin on the following Wednesday.
ICE HOCKEY.- All candidates for the hockey team be on Artificial Pond at 3 p. m. today. Everyone who is physically able is urged to come out and try for the team.
ANY member of the class of 1901 who wishes to contribute towards a new wagon for Old John may do so by signing the blue book at Sanborn's.
FRESHMAN CREW.- All candidates for the 1901 crew be in the rowing room dressed to row at 4.40 this afternoon.
DURING the Christmas Recess, no student will be allowed to board at Memorial Hall, without a specially printed ticket which will be punched at every meal. Any student of the University, whether a member of the H. D. A. or not, may get one of these tickets by signing a book at the Auditor's office, and also the ticket which is not transferable. All board bills during the Recess will be regularly charged on the first term bill. Tickets will be given out on Wednesday morning.
A full list of the officers and members of all college clubs and organizations is desired for the Index for '98. The secretaries of these clubs are urged to send their lists of members at once to the Harvard Index, Cambridge.
THERE will be a smoker of the Harvard Maine Club at 22 Ware Hall, Tuesday evening at 8.
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