AFTER the Christmas Holidays engage board at the Craigie Inn, 126 Mt. Auburn street. 71 3
FIRST-CLASS table board at the French Restaurant, 3 Linden street (Hilton Block). Special terms for club rooms and club tables of 4 to 12. 71 2
STUDENTS can find pleasant sunny rooms and good board for their friends during the Christmas vacation, or permanently. Apply at Berkeley St. 04
THE University Cafe, 77 Mt. Auburn street, will be open during the Christmas vacation. 71 3
HOUSE wanted, near Harvard square, suitable for a students' boarding house. Address, 77 Mt. Auburn street. 71 3
HOLIDAY RATES.- For the benefit of students visiting their homes during the Christmas vacation the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell special round trip tickets at greatly reduced rates to all local points on its system and to all points on or reached by its system west of Pittsburg and east of and including Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati.
These tickets can be procured only at the office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 205 Washington street, Boston, and will be issued only on presentation of a certificate signed by an officer of the University to the effect that the bearer is a member of one of the departments of the University. Certificates may be obtained at the Crimson office on or after today.
Tickets also on sale at Pennsylvania Railroad office via any rail or boat line to New York. 69 5
AFTER the Christmas Holidays engage board at the Craigie Inn, 126 Mt. Auburn street. 71 3
MISS POST'S School for Instruction in Dancing at Pierce Hall, Copley Sq., reopens in October. Private lessons a specialty. Prospectus forwarded upon application. Office hours, 9 till 11, daily. 1-3m
AFTER the Christmas Holidays engage board at the Craigie Inn, 126 Mt. Auburn street. 71 3
CHRISTMAS GIFTS.- Nothing more acceptable or in better taste than a selection from the following, which will be sent to any address (express prepaid). Students paying for same as they elect. Scribner's Beautiful Eds. of Stevenson, 21 vol.; Kipling, 12 vol.; Eugene Field, 10 vol.; Barrie, 8 vol.; Houghton, Mifflin and Co's Eds. of Lowell, 11 vol.; Hawthorne, 15; Holmes, 15; Whittier, 9; Longfellow, 14; and Emerson, 14 vol., illus. with 349 Photogravures; their new Ed. of Bret Harte. Little Brown and Co.'s New and Elegant Ed. of Francis Parkman, 20 vol., 120 ill. by Goupil and Co., Paris. All Eds. of the Standard Authors from $12 to $100 (Eds. de Luxe); Superb Ed. of the Arabian Nights (unexpurgated), 15 vol.- very rare. Standard Dictionary and Encyclopaedia Brittanica.
The complete set delivered and payments of $1 or $2 per month satisfactory.
Address X, Crimson.67 4
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Funeral of Professor Lovering.